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Trinity Bible Church meets regularly to take the opportunity to corporately
Worship, Study and Pray together. 

For more information on any ministry click on the drop down under the ministries tab.
Sunday Morning Service


Pastor Paul preaches expositionally through books of the Bible every Sunday morning at 10:30 am, immediately following adult and children's Sunday School.  Currently he is preaching through the book of Romans.

Table Talk Fellowship


Select Sundays at 12:30 pm we gather for an informal time to discuss practical applications of the morning's sermon.  His sermon notes will be made available.  All are welcome to attend.

Bible Study
Bible Studies


Our congregation gathers together regularly for a time of study in God's Word. 

Women's Study meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 1:00 pm

Men's group meet every Wednesday at 8:00 am

Men's Breakfast & Bible Study meet 2nd Saturdays each month at 8:30 am

Adult Bible Study meets at 7:00 pm on Wednesday Evenings

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