![]() Join Us Sunday Mornings at 10:30 amOur Traditional Communion Service will resume on October 4, 2020 then continue to be celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. | ![]() Sunday Mornings 9:15 am | ![]() Sunday Evenings 5:00 pm | ![]() Sunday Evenings 5:30 pm |
Adult & Children's Sunday School
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither;
and whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3
Sunday School Meeting Times & Curriculum
Sunday School corresponds closely with the normal school year and begins on September 18, 2022 this year. Classes begin at 9:15 am and end at 10:15 am.
Adult Sunday School
Currently Pastor Paul is teaching through the Fundamentals of the Faith
workbook for the Adult Class in the sanctuary.
The Workbook is available online at Christianbook.com and Amazon.com.

Our Curriculum for Children & Young Adults
The materials that we are using in the Children's, Junior High and Senior High classes are God-centered with studies ranging from age-appropriate systematic theology to the practical application of truth in specific topic areas.
For the 2022-2023 School Year, children ages preK4 through fifth grade will be going through Generations of Grace Curriculum, offered through Grace Community Church and taught by Amy Stewart.
Elder Mark Henson is teaching the Junior and Senior High Schoolers through Scripture.
Worship Hour Children's Classes
We offer two classes for children ages PreK4 through5th grade during the main Worship Service for those families who choose to have their children learn at their age level during the service. If you have any specific questions about any area of the Sunday School ministry, the secretary, Pastor or an elder would be happy to answer your questions.
We thank God for the committed teachers He has gifted and enabled to teach faithfully. The strength of the Sunday School ministry rests on the faithfulness of these teachers, who understand their special calling in teaching the truth of God's Word.
Our Objectives
Our Sunday School Ministry is anchored firmly within our Vision Statement:
To teach and model the Scriptures in such a way that those who have not trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior may come to understand their need of the Savior, and come to a saving knowledge of Christ as God grants saving faith.
To teach and model the Scriptures in such a way that those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will be built up in the faith and knowledge of Him, growing in maturity and becoming further conformed to the image of Christ.
To teach and model the Scriptures in such a way that those who have been redeemed come to know and understand that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.